Welcome to openjournals.nl

Openjournals provides a professional OpenAccess publishing platform for scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. This platform is made possible by a collaboration between the KNAW, NWO and the OPUS Foundation.

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Our Journals

We have an expanding collection of journals.

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Information Retrieval Research
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Noordbrabants Historisch Jaarboek
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Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten
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Sustainability Letters
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European Insolvency and Restructuring Journal
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Publications de la Société Historique et Archéologique dans le Limbourg
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Cahier voor Literatuurwetenschap
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The Rijksmuseum Bulletin
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Ecclesial Futures
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Pedagogische Studiën
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favicon saying TGG
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie
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Tijdschrift voor Jeugdgezondheidzorg
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Journal of Political Sociology
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Thumbnail Technophany
Technophany, A Journal for Philosophy and Technology
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International Journal about Parents in Education
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Journal for the History of Knowledge
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Jeugd in Ontwikkeling
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Tijdschrift OnderwijsPraktijk Studies
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Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics
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Technology and Regulation
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Miniatuur voor het tijdschrift
Handelingen: Tijdschrift voor Praktische Theologie en Religiewetenschap
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Into The Magic Circle Thumbnail
Into the Magic Circle: Rethinking Homo Ludens
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Aesthetic Investigations
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LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries
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Culture Caleidoscoop
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Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs
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Studies over de sociaaleconomische geschiedenis van Limburg/Jaarboek van het Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg
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BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review
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religie & samenleving
Religie & Samenleving
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Epilepsie, periodiek voor professionals
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A captical letter "C", from the work "Geometrie und Schrift" by Albrecht Dürer, 1604.
A Companion to Digital Editing Methods
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Logo of EPSSE and journal title "Passion"
Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions
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HLCS logo
Historical Life Course Studies
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Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani
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TSEG - The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History
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EMLC logo
Early Modern Low Countries
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About openjournals.nl


Openjournals provides the infrastructure for all types of peer-reviewed journals to publish in open access - from internationally renowned journals to more regional specialised publications, the only condition is that journals agree not to charge authors any fees (i.e. APCs).


The platform runs open OJS3, the industry standard in open source publication software. The platform is managed in-house by the KNAW Humanities Cluster, a non-profit scientific organisation. In this way, openjournals guarantees a professional and sustainable open access publishing model for a competitive price.


Openjournals offers full transparency from an organizational, technical and financial point of view. Member journals pay a fixed annual contribution to host their journal on the platform. Openjournals maintains a professional platform without article processing costs (APCs), subscription obligations or binding contracts, based on a non-APC open access model.

For whom?

Openjournals is designed for all journals that are scholarly, peer-reviewed and operate with a sustainable non-APC open access publication model. For journals that strive for this model we are happy to facilitate the transition. Language of publication, readership, university affiliation or publisher are not an obstacle to publishing through openjournals. The platform primarily focuses on journals in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Openjournals offers:

Are you interested or do you have any questions? Please contact us by sending an email to info@openjournals.nl.