De historische belangstelling van Charles Guillon


  • Gerard Venner


Charles Guillon (1811-1873) was an archeologist and a historic who committed himself to the return of the archives to Roermond and the restoration of the Munsterchurch. Despite these interest, he wrote little on history and archeology himself. Rather, he was a collector of historical objects such as archeological findings, records, coins, paintings and (late) gothic statues, which taught about the (regional) past. Large parts of his collection eventually ended up in museums and archive repositories.

Guillon’s collection of archeological objects primarily consisted of Central-Limburgian findings, as well as some findings from Xanten. The archive records mainly came from Roermond. This focus on Central- Limburg consisted also in his collections of painting, coins and books, albeit more loosely adhered. Among the paintings are several pieces of Roermond born artists and pieces depicting a regional historic theme. His coin collection includes some pieces found in Limburg, while his book collection not only contains works on history, archeology and auxiliary sciences of history, but also includes books on other topics printed in Roermond. Despite his vast book collection, Guillon was no bibliophile and did not actively collect pre-1500 bookwork.


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Biografie auteur

  • Gerard Venner

    Dr. G.H.A. (Gerard) Venner (1951) studeerde vrije studierichting rechten (hoofdvak: Nederlandse rechtsgeschiedenis) aan de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen en promoveerde in 1985 op het proefschrift De Meinweg. Onderzoek naar rechten op gemene gronden in het voormalige Gelders-Gulikse grensgebied, circa 1400-1822. Van 1973 tot 2016 was bij chartermeester bij het Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg (voorheen: Rijksarchief in Limburg) en inventariseerde de archieven van onder
    andere de centrale instellingen van het Overkwartier van Gelder en van het eerste bisdom Roermond. Hij publiceert met name over de (rechts)geschiedenis van Roermond en het Overkwartier van Gelder almede over middeleeuwse zegels.








Venner, G. (2020). De historische belangstelling van Charles Guillon. Publications De La Société Historique Et Archéologique Dans Le Limbourg, 155, 147-189.