Het historisch dossier van de heilige Amandus


  • Régis de la Haye


Amandus was one of many seventh-century missionaries from the Hiberno-Scottish tradition, who traversed Europe in order to preach the faith. As it turns out, he is the best documented saint of that era, as not only a vita survives for him, but he also appears in other historical sources.

He travelled the continent, founded monasteries and remained in contact with many bishops from Gaul and officials at the court of the Frankish kings throughout his life. He played an important role in the Church of Gaul.

For a period of about three years, Amandus was bishop of Maastricht. During his Maastricht tenure he received a letter from Pope Martin I and was involved in the foundation of the abbey of Nivelles.

As a saint, he is remembered in many parts of Europe, even in countries he never visited. Notably, as is demonstrated by liturgical sources and chronicles, his fame does not lie in his activities as missionary and founder of monasteries, but mainly in his role as bishop of Maastricht, even though this was only an intermittent period in his life.





de la Haye, R. (2019). Het historisch dossier van de heilige Amandus. Publications De La Société Historique Et Archéologique Dans Le Limbourg, 154, 75–114. Geraadpleegd van https://platform.openjournals.nl/PSHAL/article/view/19082


